Bonanza Day 2023

Artist Form

Thank you for your interest in performing at the 3rd annual Bonanza Day, September 10th, 2023. Once you complete the form, someone from our team will contact you with a response.

All artists will receive a 5-10 minute performance set OR a two song max (which ever is greater). Please be descriptive in the form to let us know what you plan to do for your performance.

Please specify if you would like to set up a vending table of any kind to represent your brand/artistry.

If you are signed or have representation, please attach links for your profiles as well as your rep's profiles. At least one social profile is required. Keep in mind, majority of the event promotion is via Facebook and Instagram if you want to be tagged.

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Bonanza Day 2023

Artist Form

Thank you for your interest in performing at the 3rd annual Bonanza Day, September 10th, 2023. Once you complete the form, someone from our team will contact you with a response.

All artists will receive a 5-10 minute performance set OR a two song max (which ever is greater). Please be descriptive in the form to let us know what you plan to do for your performance.

Please specify if you would like to set up a vending table of any kind to represent your brand/artistry.

If you are signed or have representation, please attach links for your profiles as well as your rep's profiles. At least one social profile is required. Keep in mind, majority of the event promotion is via Facebook and Instagram if you want to be tagged.

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